Only a tiny window of opportunity to attend live events, wisely or otherwise (see below). The quality of live experience so much exceeds that of the online or TV broadcast that I haven't posted any of the latter, even although there were a few examples of live broadcasts and an occasional film of note to watch on TV. 

Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata: a chamber concert at The Philharmonic Hall, Liverpoo

A live concert with Covid-reduced audience. The eponymous Beethoven sonata for violin and piano was merely alluded to musically at several points in the recital, arranged for string quartet (there was no piano) but the underlying theme was the string quartet by Janacek subtitled The Kreutzer Sonata, based on a novella by Tolstoy of that name.  The four musicians Mihkel Kerem and Concettina Del Vecchio (violins), Alex Mitchell (viola) and Jonathan Aasgaard (cello) played the four movements of the quartet. These were interspersed with readings by the actor Martin Harris of the Tolstoy novella that inspired the music .  

The idea didn't quite work.  The theme of the novel was dated and the language misogynistic, with little to commend it as a story.  Janacek was clearly inspired by it, but his string quartet is well able to stand on its own without our understanding what he found of merit in the book. The actor played it straight without any obvious criticism of the themes.

The musicianship was excellent, though, as expected from that group of musicians.